If you have been in sales for any period of time you know that taking a vacation can be an oxymoron. The reality is that, as sales people we are always either thinking about our next sales call, thinking about paperwork we have to complete or phone calls we have to make. Even when we are "away" from work we are thinking about work. Having an office in our home just adds to our constant reminder of task we have to complete. So the question today is, can a sales person truly take a real vacation? One where you can relax your mind, body and spirit. And if you are married with kids, can we truly take time to spend with our family and not be occupied with thoughts of work or sneaking in one last phone call. With proper planning, the answer is yes.
As a medical sales representative and one that works out of my home, I can speak first hand about the difficulty of taking time off and not doing or thinking about work. It is hard. Even on weekends, there are times that I pass my office and think, I really should get that report done before Monday or maybe I can check email real quickly. While it is important to complete necessary reports and check emails, on our time off it's more important to spend time relaxing, recharging our batteries and spending valuable time with our love ones. Many managers believe and even insist that their sales people check email once or twice on weekends. I contend that it is impossible to just "check" email. Once you are on email it's hard to get off. Managers have to remember, for a sales person to be successful they have to have down time. Technology has made it easier for you to have your downtime and still stay connected with work and customers. Blackberry is a great example.
When taking a vacation, this is truly time in which you should be relaxing. I have to admit that while on vacation I tend to check email and/or voicemail for the simple reason I do not what to face dozens of emails my first day back. I make it a rule not to spend more than a few minutes scanning messages and listening to voicemail.
To make your vacation more enjoyable and not have to worry about work, here are a few tips:
1. Schedule your vacation well in advance- this will give you time to finish up important projects and close important deals
2. Vacation during typical slow times- For me, summers tend to be slow times. many of my customers are vacationing and taking more time off to enjoy the warm weather.
3. Let management know ASAP when your vacation will be- This will avoid scheduling conflicts with sales meeting and other important company dates.
4. Arrange for coverage- Team up with another sales person, preferable one that is close to your territory. Make arrangements for that person to cover an emergencies that may come up and give important customers that sales persons contact information. Be sure to 5. Inform your customers- Let important customers know when you are going on vacation and remind them 1 weeks before you leave. Give them the contact information for the person covering your accounts.
6. Finish important projects- it's important that you return the favor when that person wants to vacations.
inish important projects and to-do list items before you leave. Nothing is worst than laying on a nice beach, miles from the nearest computer or phone and remember that you forgot to get a quote to a customer.
7. Post notices that you are away for work- Post a notice on voicemail and email that you will be on vacation and when you are returning. Leave contact information for the person who will be coverning for you.
Remember, vacation is just that, time to unwind, relax and recharge your engine, if done right you will return ready for a big finish to your year. Good selling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Take a REAL vacation
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Posted by
Noel Harris
Labels: blackberry, representative, sales, tips, vacation, vacations
Labels: blackberry, representative, sales, tips, vacation, vacations

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